Privitera & Nwadibia
 Rochelle A. Fortier nwadibia
 220 Sansome Street, Suite 520, San Francisco, California
 415 781 5750
 415 951 0322
Practice areas

 Founded in 2000, Privitera and Nwadibia is a successful immigration law firm which boasts nearly 40 years of experience between its principal attorneys. While paying careful attention to the intricacies of immigration law, the firm prides itself in also paying particularly close attention to its clients.

Rochelle Nwadibia is managing partner of Privitera and Nwadibia, a San Francisco law firm which specializes in immigration law. With a success rate over 95%, Nwadibia focuses on the many details of immigration matters, while simultaneously providing clients with a personal approach to their particular situation. Her ability to provide a cultural perspective, both to clients and the courts, has won her unconditional praise from her clients.

Bilingual in English and French, Nwadibia is particularly well-versed in cultural and political matters. In addition to her law degree from Washington University in St. Louis, she is also a graduate of the Columbia Graduate School of International Affairs (now School of Public and International Affairs). She has served as a board member of the United Nations Association of St. Louis, and has taught African politics at Washington University. Nwadibia has also studied and lectured on topics such as international development, statelessness, debt restructuring, monetary issues, and institutional development in Latin America and Africa.

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